thom of birth control information.
"A great many books on marriage counseling recommend acts which are felonies in most of our states," he said.
While New York a few years ago reduced ordinary homosexual acts from a felony to a misdemeanor, California at the same time raised the penalty to a minimum of one year and a maximum of life imprisonment, Dr. Bowman pointed out.
And in the armed forces, an inductee risks an undesirablo or blue discharge because of not only homosexual acts, but evon homosexual tendencies, he said. "Since some degree of homosexual impulse is present in practically everyono, it is fairly easy to label a large percentage of our population as latent homosexuals and then proceed against them. It seems extremely far-fetched to speak of an individual who has had a few homosexual experiences in childhood or adolescence as an overt homosexual, particularly if as an adult he is leading a completely heterosexual life. Yet this has been reported as ocourring and resulting in the discharge of persons in the federal services."
Two Groups of Latent Homosexuals
According to Dr. Bowman, latent homosexuals can be divided into two groups; those who consciously desire homosexual relationships but carefully control the so impulses and those who, at a conscious level, have no interest in homosexual relations and even react with digust to such an idea. Of the latter group, he claimed "they do have strong homosexual drives at an unconGoious level, and their behavior is often motivated by these drives, which come out in some disguised fashion.
"It seems probable that the tremendous degree of omotion often aroused against homosexuality is largely due to the stirring up of the individual's own repressed or latont homosexual impulses," Dr. Bowman declared.
The present law, instead of protecting the young and preserving public deconoy, offers a chance to blackmail